

I’m an Aquarius Sun, Moon in Leo, Capricorn Rising, with my VENUS/MARS in Aries.

So I’m a fun weirdo with a huge heart and an intense drive and persistence for the people and things I truly care about. I am also fiercely loyal and protective to a fault but it’s something I love about myself even though I had to learn to let people fight their battles so they could learn their own lessons.

Since I was very young I have always felt and seen energies. I remember it started when I was about 4 years old and I had lucid dreams every night. I would wake up and still see the dreams around me as I ran to my parents room watching the dream continue around me almost like hallucinations until I got in their bed and was able to fall asleep. Soon after that I saw spirits that had passed on and like any child it terrified me. I was petrified of the dark till I was much older and I tried to repress my gifts with everything I had. Due to traumas I experienced as a child I was able to dissociate and one could say the word empathy wasn’t even in my vocabulary. I couldn’t feel what people felt. I didn't even understand the concept. I just knew you were sad if you were crying or mad if you were angry and if you were sad ur emotions made me uncomfortable because I did not know how to deal with them due to the fact that I could not feel my own.

About 6 years ago I started to wake up from illusions and went through the dark night of the soul. I knew on a deep level I was living a lie although I hadn’t admitted it to myself and that I was living my life for other people. One day after I had achieved pretty much all my goals at the time which were extremely superficial it all crumbled. I started to wake up even though my soul resisted it with everything I had.

That year was a living hell for me I could not only truly feel my own emotions for the first time but everyone in the rooms emotions as well. It was extremely overwhelming and no one understood what I was going through which made it that much more difficult. There were times I thought I was insane and I had never felt vulnerable or uncomfortable in my own skin because I’ve always been a very confident person so it was a rude awakening.

At first it was just to understand what I was going through but soon after that I started doing healings and activations and I responded to them like no other. It helped me with Self Mastery and balance in all facets of my life.

During that whole experience my psychic abilities had been growing and I would pick up random things from people and blurt them out and I was right. This wasn’t my plan. Ever. I started picking up energies again and much stronger than ever and I was able to channel them. Then tarot started and it was fun. But it got to the point where friends wouldn't leave my house because they wanted readings all day. I realised I wanted to use my abilities for a more fulfilling purpose and I really wanted to help people who had endured childhood traumas or who had gone through an awakening experience like myself.

After frequency healings, I started waking up to other dimensions and connecting to things on an entirely different level. I would see colors I’ve never seen before and detail even in leaves from miles away. Everything would come alive. It became very clear through millions of experiences that I was going into other dimensions and I started seeing the world like the matrix that it is. Once you have experiences like that you can’t see or feel the world the same again. I had grown up Catholic but I did not believe in a higher power till this happened. So at 30 I knew for a fact there was a GOD and I’ve had tons of alien/source energy experiences as well. I do believe in both but I connect more with GOD and my guides just because in the last year it has resonated more with me although I am fluent in both arenas.

I first started doing introspection work on myself and I could clean out my chakras, cure my own ailments, etc. I’m not sure which healing on a human being was my first but the first one that impacted me was when I did a hands on healing on my friends father who had been depressed and scared of the ocean after he nearly drowned. He couldn’t get out of bed because he had been diving everyday his entire life and he wasn’t able to enjoy his passion anymore out of fear. After I was done the next morning he was joyful, he started getting back into the water, wanted more guidance, and it was like looking at a different person. Knowing that I was able to shift someone’s spirit like that spoke volumes to me. I knew then that I would be doing this in some form or another for the rest of my life.

After that… things got more intense and I would just trigger emotions out of people without trying. I would walk into a room and a stranger would see me and break down crying while they beared their soul infront of other people to me...I’m talking like me in a random store like “oh i’m just browsing don’t mind me” .. with everyone staring lol. I couldn’t escape it. People were being guided to me whether I wanted them to be or not. Even taxi drivers were crying to me and telling me their deepest fears without me asking. I did not know how to turn it off at the time. The journey was a myriad of weird experiences that I don’t think I will ever be able to put into words. It was awkward. I’m introverted and I did not know how to handle experiences like that although I was happy they released the pain they were holding onto. Those were conflicting times. This phase became extremely draining for me and I would take their pain on. I was activating heart chakras left and right just by being near people.

All of this with a TWIN FLAME/DIVINE MASCULINE connection (Whatever title resonates with you if any). If you have one you know how beautifully crazy that dynamic is between the telepathy, astral travel, dreaming together, feeling their emotions in your body during separation, etc. It can be extreme until you learn how to balance the energies but he has been the catalyst/drive behind the majority of my growth and has taught me more than anyone on this planet by challenging me in every way mind/body/soul. He has also taught me patience + unconditional love. I’m sure I’ve done the same for him as frustrating as the connection has been for both at times. I have nothing but love, gratitude, and admiration for that man.

Then I started getting major downloads and upgrades which are enhanced gifts from spirit. I realised that I could do healings from salt baths by tuning into the higher self of the other person. My healings became even stronger because I was objective and could tune in almost like a machine to remove fears or blockages that I saw introspectively without getting so drained.

I lead by example by facing every fear and blockage that I was faced with and my philosophy is if I haven’t experienced it myself then I don’t try to pretend I have. So I go out of my way to overcome any blockage or fear in my way so that in turn I can help someone through it in the future. I am here to help and heal. I went from my lowest point to my bravest, balanced, and most unconditionally loving self and I put that care into every one I tune into. If I say I can heal a certain thing I guarantee I can and I am extremely confident of my abilities because I have witnessed results I couldn’t even imagine. When I know I can fix something I do if I don’t know if I can I will be honest with you but I will attempt to if you ask and it feels right to try.. I never back down from a healthy challenge.

I continue to get upgrades/downloads and master them frequently. I am excited for whatever the future holds on a collective level with my gifts and I am thankful for everyone who has taught me lessons in my life both the easy ones but most importantly the hard ones. I Look forward to connecting with you soon.