
Divine Counterpart/Twin Flame Journey.

1. Balancing

2. Overcoming the runner chaser dynamic

3. Learning the main lesson connected to your Journey

4. Learning how to set boundaries with a twin

5. Owning your triggers and how to heal them

6. Surrendering Control over the connection (untangling of energies/refocusing)

7. Coping with kharmic relationships in a healthy way

8. Sacred Sexuality

9. Telepathy

10. Lucid Dreaming with your divine counterpart

11. Astral Projection

11. Beyond the Journey: Understanding that they are a catalyst for your growth and how to healthily embrace the connection to drive you forward by letting go of codependency and the expectations of physical union.

12. Learning how to go with the flow while overcoming your own personal fears will lead you to the healthiest outcome for both.

13. Learning what unconditional love really is and how to embrace the concept and execute that state of being throughout the different types of relationships in your life - compassion / patience / forgiveness etc

14. Learning how to master these traits with discipline and love without disregarding your own wellbeing, boundaries, and self love is a balance of equal give and take which leads to emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

15. Learning how to integrate your masculine and feminine energies within yourself so you are balanced and whole - by learning the lessons and patterns reflected by your counterpart.

16. The ultimate goal which requires self mastery is two- free, beautiful, powerful, + whole equals on their personal journeys. If those journeys align on the same path and physical union occurs that is beautiful.

17. When two twins are working out of their highest vibration and committed to their personal growth and purpose together they enhance each others personal strengths in order to powerfully co-create together.

18. The most important thing is to take the lessons one at a time and healthily focus on your personal growth + ascension while holding genuine loving space for your counterpart to do the same.